Course Title | Africana Studies Course Number | Instructor | Time | Cross-listings |
ST in AS : African American Theatre | 50:014:215:90 | Forbes-Erickson | Online | 50:965:216:90 |
ST in AS : Black Masculinity | 50:014:381:01 | Eliezer Marcellus | M/W 6:00-7:20 |
50:443:324:01 50:920:445:01 |
ST in AS : Soul of the 60s & 70s | 50:014:381:90 | Dionne Fields | Online | 50:700:310:90 |
ST in AS : African American History I | 50:014:382:01 | Kendra Boyd | M/W 3:45-5:05 | 50:512:203:01 |
ST in AS : History of Gospel | 50:014:382:90 | Dionne Fields | Online | 50:700:141:90 |